Unable to get Google Reviews from Review Funnel
I'm unable to get any reviews for my business from the Review Funnel method (I can't use the Google Method as I don't have a brick building address)
I've tried 4 search terms (Listed Below), all show up my business on the right in Google.
CustomCarStickers, UK
Custom Car Stickers
custom car stickers hull
I've had to resort to manually copying reviews in, but I'm getting a little bored of doing that so would like the review funnel to work if possible.
It could be (And probably is) something I'm doing wrong, but I can't work out what.
Apricate any help on this
Customer support service by UserEcho
After multiple attempts I've got it working using Custom Car Stickers, United Kingdom!
Please feel free to close this as a 'Problem was between the computer and the chair' issue :)
Sometimes a search term will show the reviews on the right side for some people and not others. It depends on your search history. It's best to use the business name and address. You can also check it by using an incognito tab.