
How to Config Standard Height of Review Slider

Arzabar 4 years ago updated by Josh 4 years ago 3

Hi - I've set up my first template as a slider with 3 reviews in a row.

Is there a way to standardise the height of the review regardless of the number of words/characters in the reviews?

I have tried looking through other topics, I have also tried the "Allow reviews height to be changed?" setting, and I have also de-activated and re-activated the PRO plugin and have not had any success.

I'd prefer not to have to create a child theme if it is avoidable.

I'm keen to hear our thoughts.


Hi @josh,

Yes, I tried the standard config options.

The article helped. I ended up with custom css as follows

p.wpproslider_t6_P_4.wprev_preview_tcolor1_T6 {
max-height: 500px;
min-height: 150px;
overflow-y: auto;
padding-right: 2px;