Under review

My Get Reviews Funnel Scrape Doesn't Get Recently Posted Google Reviews

specialmoments ar 4 years ago updated by Josh 4 years ago 1

I get the following error message when I spend 10 credits to scrape and find the 40th review posted on 1/22/21:

Error adding this scrape job. Please try again or contact us and copy and send us the following: {"job_id":"","scrapeurl":"","ack":"error","msg":"Error! Scraping server error. Please try again. Contact Support.","dbsiteinfo_id":"9598","scrapejoburl":"https:\/\/funnel.ljapps.com\/addprofile?sid=9598&frlicenseid=442326&frsiteurl=https%3A%2F%2Fspecialmomentsfundraising.com&scrapeurl=&scrapequery=Special+Moments+Fundraising+Arkansas+USA&scrapefromdate=&scrapeblocks=1000&diffparam=usediff&wpsiteurl=https%3A%2F%2Fspecialmomentsfundraising.com"}

Under review

Give it a try now. The Get Reviews > Review Funnel page should be working again. Let me know if you see issues.

