Filtering badge averages/templates by post ID?
I run a membership site where each member has different reviews from multiple funnels on their profile page (post). I currently have WP Reviews Pro set up to filter the reviews from the different funnels based on the specific Post IDs. I then use the same template on multiple posts (for example, “tid_1”) and the reviews for the template are filtered to show only the members' reviews based on the particular Post ID on their pages.
I use the badge template to display the average review stars below the post title as well as on each member's profile card on the main directory page. I may have missed it, but I haven't found a similar option to filter based on post ID in the badge settings. This is important because if I use the same badge template as with the review template, then the calculated average for the badge is the same for all members based on whatever review origin(s) I select and the same badge appears on all pages. So far, I've been creating different badge templates for each member and selecting the specific review origins manually for every member's profile page, but this isn't sustainable.
Is there a way to currently accomplish what I'm trying to do? Would there be a way to add another option to set the review origin to post ID? And/or perhaps include the post ID in the shortcode so I can include a hidden field on the post settings such as [wprevpro_usebadge tid="_"] and then have the Post ID autofilled in the backend?
Thanks for a such a great plugin!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Try changing the badge type to submitted and see if that works. I don't have time to test right now, but I think it filters by Post ID. Let me know what happens.
Thanks for the quick response. I changed the selection to "submitted" and tried with all of the different options in the "Ratings From" option and it didn't work. (Made sure to clear cache, etc.)
I'll try to add this to the update I'm about to release in the next day or so.
Awesome, thanks!
Give a try. There is a new option for the Review Origin.