Under review

Google Play not imported

info 3 years ago updated by Josh 3 years ago 8

Creating a Funnel for Google Play, but the Reviews are not going to be imported. The system still finds them, so it says "0/44" imported. 

Can anybody give me an advice ?

Under review

What is the "Job ID" listed on the left of the pop-up window?

Hey Josh. The ID: 287780391

Best Regards


Hey Marc,

I'm not seeing any reviews on the listing. Are there reviews with text?


I do see this reviews:

Try viewing it without being logged in to Google. I looked in Firefox, Chrome, and Edge and don't see them. I wonder if they are hidden by country.

Hello Josh,

thanks for your patience. I've checked it again, and it's still not working. I've just checked it with the inkognito modus from chrome and ensured that we are not logged in to google. Still seeing the reviews. It seems to be a geo ip issue. Any update from your side?

I did find this Google blog that seems to say they are going to start hiding reviews by country.


I'm not sure what can be done, let me ask the scraping server support to see if they have a work around.

This is what I got back from the scraping server support. Looks like there isn't anything we can do.


Hey Josh,

Happy Friday! Thanks for your patience while we were reviewing this subject internally. I'm afraid that at the moment, this is not possible to achieve - extracting these reviews. Our systems will be able to collect reviews if they are publicly available - without any restriction based on the geolocation of the user.

I hope this information helps you out. We'll be here to assist you if needed.
Kind regards,