Not a bug

Multiple businesses with their respective reviews, shown on different pages

Gerardo 3 years ago updated by Josh 3 years ago 9

Hi guys, 

What I'm trying to do build a marketplace, where the restaurants are my clients and they have their own page. I have 2 questions

1- I want to show their correspondingly Google reviews on each restaurant page. So the first question is if I'm able to do that and how (i'm not sure how to filter them from the "retrieve reviews" tab)

2- The second question is that I don't understand why it shows the first review in spanish... and the other 4 in english... here in Argentina we talk in spanish and in Google maps they are in spanish so I don't understand

The google places examples IDs are: ChIJc8dDjTK_vJUREYKWuJStJtc, ChIJ7WI5DPq_vJUR4O0O2HJ8ESA

Attached image

Image 1413

Image 1414

Do you have a Google chat or something where we can be more agile?

Many thanks

Under review

The first step is to get the reviews in the Review List, which it appears you have done. Now you can filter by location when you create a review template on the Template tab in the plugin. Here is the setting...

With this method, each restaurant would need its own review template. However, you can just create one review template and then filter it using a shortcode parameter. There is more info about shortcode parameters here...


For your second question, it depends on how the reviews were downloaded. Whether you used the Get Reviews > Google Places API, Get Reviews > Google Crawl, or the Get Reviews > Review Funnel method. More about the 3 different methods here. For the first method, you can specify language like so...

The Google Crawl method is limited and basically just returns what it returns. The Review Funnel method should return all your reviews in their original language.

Hi guys, thanks for replying

Could I get an extra week with no charge for testing this plugin? I haven't finished testing yet

I would appreciate and leave a review 


I just created a 2-week temp license for you. You should get an email from Freemius. If not you can find the license key on the User Dashboard...


Hi Josh, 

Just trying to figure out how to add to many pages the reviews. I have to check the "Page ID Parameter:" section right? So I need to create the page, and then add the ID separated by coma in the template configuration. Is that so? 


And after that, how is that I'm going to show in each page the same widget with the respective reviews for each page? Imagine that each page is a Bar/restaurant, different owners


You don't add the WordPress page ID. The page ID that you use in the Shortcode is the source page id for the reviews. It basically lets you filter out the reviews and show just the reviews from that source page id. So you would create a review template. By default it will show all reviews in the Review List. You copy / paste the shortcode on to the Bar page on your site. You use the shortcode paramater to only show reviews for a certain source.

For instance if I want to limit it to just this page id source....

My shortcode for the review template would look something like this...

[wprevpro_usetemplate tid="30" pageid="ChIJOUW7JL0RYogRgDxol-LP_sU"]

good afternoon. I would like to know how to set up the back office system language of the module in spanish? Besides I have the general language config in the system in spanish .. it's shown in english


You would need to create a translation for the plugin. You could use a plugin like "Loco Translate" to do it.