
Align Centre

Michael San Patterson 3 years ago updated by Josh 3 years ago 5

Hi, within the forms, and the initial review rating (thumbs or stars), I was trying to align this centre and slightly increase the size but I couldn't work out what CSS was required? 

Thank you in advance.

Under review

Can you post a link to the page with the form?

Hi Josh,

The webpage is very much under construction but here is a link to it https://www.pattersonhallaccountants.co.uk/bishop-auckland-leave-a-review/

I'd like the how do you rate us to be aligned in the centre and possibly slightly bigger.



Try this CSS in the custom CSS field for the form.

.wprevform-field.wprevpro-field-review_rating {
font-size: 20px;
text-align: center;

.wprevpro-rating label {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;


Thats perfect!

Thank you so much.
