
Resize text to reduce white space when YouTube videos are included

KatieP 3 years ago updated by Josh 3 years ago 3

I'm using the option to limit the number of characters shown so the reviews all appear nicely at the same height. HOWEVER there's an issue if I also attach a YouTube video to the review - this adds a huge extra bit of white space at the bottom of all the reviews, where the YouTube video goes for those one or two reviews. It would be great if the other reviews would automatically expand their text to fill this white space (see images - first one is what shows by default, second image is with the text expanded to fill the white space (but I don't want to have to click "read more" to show this, yet still want it to restrict the number of characters shown so the height of the reviews are all the same)).

Image 1468

Image 1469

Under review

Hey Katie,

Thanks for the suggestion. This will actually take a bit of work to code into the plugin. I'll add it to the list of feature requests. In the meantime, you could try some CSS like the following to fix the height of the reviews and add scrollbars to the side. Change the 173px to control the height. In this case, you would just turn off the "Read More" function.

.indrevdiv {
height: 173px;
margin-left: 2px;
overflow: auto

.indrevdiv::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 5px;
.indrevdiv::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: #f1f1f1;
.indrevdiv::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: #888;
.indrevdiv::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
background: #555;
.wprevpro_t1_DIV_2:after {
bottom: 56px;
position: fixed;
img.wprevpro_t1_site_logo {
position: fixed;
right: 15px;
bottom: 90px;

It should end up looking something like so...

Amazing, thanks for the CSS! I've had a play around, ended up just deciding to hide the YouTube videos to keep it simpler (the scroll bars work but felt a little less user friendly than a "read more" link), but would be amazing if this is considered for a future update :) Really appreciate your excellent support!