
Navigation dots off center, navigation arrows wrong color

St. Dor 3 years ago updated by Josh 3 years ago 6

Image 1482

Why are my navigation dots off center?

How do I change the color of my navigation arrows? They appear to match my set theme color, but I would like to override that to make them gray. 


Under review

Add this CSS to the custom CSS for the review template. It should fix the center issue.

.slickwprev-dots {

margin: 0 !important;


I don't see the arrows. If you can turn them back on I can send you some code.

Funny, I turned the buttons off like 10 seconds before I got the notification for this. They are back on now.

Here you go....

.slickwprev-next, .slickwprev-prev {
color: transparent !important;
background-color: #ffffff00 !important;

That did not seem to work.

Looks okay to me. Make sure to clear your cache.