
Can I customise input fields in the form section

JM98 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 3

In the submission form editor we have a list of Input fileds arranged in sets.
I would like to add another text section with paragraphs in the "please review us" section which only shows when the logic dictates. Is it possible for us to add another line (like the "before"one but bigger, for text?
Also, is it possible to add a logic function to a "custom Text" Form input field?
Many thanks! Jaap

Under review

If I remember correctly, there isn't a limit on the amount of text you put into the Before line. You can also use some html in that line. For example, this would make a space...

 Sorry, there isn't a way to add a logic function to a custom input at this time.

brilliant, thank you for the fast response. I think that solves the problem nicely!!