
Import reviews failed

Alijcar 3 years ago updated by Josh 3 years ago 9

I tried to import from Google, Facebook and Tripadvisor via review funnels.

No reviews have been imported.  I have deactivated and reactivated the plugin, but still the same

What am I doing wrong?

I have now managed to do the Facebook and Google reviews. but it does not seem to like airbnb or Tripadvisor.

One of the airbnb urls is https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/3587684 - there are 2 boxes to put the url in - which box does it go in?

It says link is valid, and done, but no reviews are pulling in

Same with Tripadvisor - https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Hotel_Review-g970108-d15815713-Reviews-or5-Haus_Schneeberg-Muhlbach_am_Hochkonig_Austrian_Alps.html#REVIEWS that is the link - whihc box does that go in out of the 2? If it goes in the frst nbox, what goes in the second box?


Under review

For Airbnb you can use the Get Reviews > Airbnb or the Review Funnel. Below is what it would like for each. 

Get Reviews > Airbnb:

The first box can be any name. The second the URL.

Review Funnel:

Again the first box can be any unique name. It's usually the name of the location. It could be Haus Schneeberg, Hochkeil. Whatever you want to use. 

TripAvisor reviews work the same way as Airbnb reviews. You can use the Get Reivews > TripAdvisor or if you want to download all of them then use the Review Funnel.

Hi thanks tried the first amd got this 

On a 7 day free package, and would love to sign up - just make to work for me!

That's strange. It looks like the reviews may already be on the Review List page of the plugin. Can you check?

Keep in mind that the Get Reviews >Airbnb and the Get Reviews > TripAdvisor pages can't download all of your reviews, only your most recent. If you need all of them then you have to use the Review Funnel.

No, no reviews have been imported

Just tried one of my other listings and i got this - again nothing imported

So now got it working!  I had to save the changes before pressing the button, and it then accepted it.

Thanks - all working now


Great! Sorry about all the trouble. I'm going to update those pages to make them more user-friendly.