Under review

Unable to Get new reviews

vbhaskar 3 years ago updated by Milen Bogoev 3 years ago 2

Last reviews scraped was in Feb. When i try to fetch reviews, i get the following message. 

"Error adding this scrape job. Please try again or contact us and copy and send us the following: {"job_id":"","scrapeurl":"","ack":"error","msg":"Error! Diff job has status invalid_url. Please wait for it to complete. Contact Support.","dbsiteinfo_id":"5117","scrapejoburl":"https:\/\/funnel.ljapps.com\/addprofile?sid=5117&frlicenseid=319534&frsiteurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mobileautoservice.ca&scrapeurl=&scrapequery=D%26V+Mobile+Detailing+Services&scrapefromdate=&scrapeblocks=1000&diffparam=usediff&wpsiteurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mobileautoservice.ca&scrapeplaceid="}"

Under review

That means that the previous scrape job was unable to complete so you can't use the "only scrape new reviews" option. The invalid url message means that the google search terms are not specific enough. Here is more info...


Hi there, I also have same issue when trying to fetch. I did not chnage any settings or something I were scaping with shis settings 2 years. I suspect its something with the last plugin update.

EDIT: Google Info Search Terms field were empty, filled it again and scrape were sucessful.