Under review

Only 6 reviews are showing even though I have created manually 8+. Why?

ken 3 years ago updated by Josh 3 years ago 5

I have manually entered 8+ Google reviews on teh Review List, but only 8 show on the slider carousel. I don't see a 'maximum' display setting anywhere. What am I missing? I want all my reviews to display.

Under review

Hey Ken,

You can use these review template settings to control the number of reviews displayed. This does the number of reviews per a slide...

This controls the total number of slides...

If you have a lot of reviews and want to add more slides when needed then you can turn on slide pagination. 

Hi Josh,

Thanks for the prompt response!

What threw me off is I was looking for the number 6 since that was the number of reviews being shown, and the number in the "how many total slides' was '2', not 6. So at a minimum, its a bug since it was showing 6, and not 2 as the setting said.

Also, why do we have to manually set the number of slides? It seems like the default would be 'all' and if I wanted less, I would have the ability to filter out particular slides based on a tag, or perhaps have the app randomly show 3, but fade in/out different ones based on the filter. Having the default be '2', which again, its actually 6, seems not user friendly. Also, I didn't see an "ALL" option, I have to pick a number from a picker, IMHO makes no sense.

I'd like to request ALL become the default, and an field on the picker. Doing so will totally eliminate work for virtually all users and will eliminate this confusing feature tying up your valuable time.



Hey Ken,

Thanks for the suggestions. I do agree it should be a little more user-friendly.

The "how many total slides" setting actually refers to the slide itself. You can have multiple individual reviews per slide. By default, it shows 3 reviews on 1 row per slide. Normally you will want to keep your total number of slides low, just because the more reviews you load from your database then the slower your site is going to be. That's one reason I don't have an ALL setting. The best way to load a lot of reviews is to put the number of slides to a low number and then use the Pagination setting I talked about above. That will only load more slides when a user gets to the last slide.



Hi Josh,

Wow, your second explanation is not how I interpreted the wording or your first explanation.

I was confused by the 'number of slides' and the 'pagination' option.

I know what pagination means, but most people don't, making this even more confusing.

What I think most people expect is the wording other plugins use:

# Number of reviews to move option (1,2,3 reviews slide at a time - can't be a number higher than the number of reviews being displayed on a row)
How often to move the above number of slides [100-7000ms] picker or user entry field
Stop at end of Reviews or loop continuously option
Display reviews by newest to oldest, oldest to newest, or randomly option

So the ALL I was asking for was because I thought you wanted me to choose the number of reviews to loop through, not to display. Letting me choose the number of reviews to loop through minimizes the DB hit and memory usage a bit, but for the amount of data, I don't think its that big a deal for 99%.

If I'm JC Penney, maybe, but they've got big server hardware and I know you know there's other memory optimization tricks us coder can play.

So anyway, I think I better understand your options, but the wording is likely confusing to many, and I think you're telling me I need to turn pagination on in order to have all 35 reviews display and set the 'how many total slides' to '1' if I only want to move 1 slide at a time (this is the wording, combined with pagination that is the most confusing.?



I think I'm doing a poor job explaining it and I do agree it is confusing in the plugin. I'm going to look into trying to change it.

For example, this is a screenshot of one "Slide" with 3 reviews per a row. It has the total number of slides set to 3 which corresponds to the 3 dots at the bottom. So it has 9 total reviews. 3 reviews, on 3 slides.

By default, this is going to scroll all three reviews at the same time. If you want to only scroll one review then you can use the Advanced slider and choose this option...

If you want to display all 35 of your reviews you don't necessarily need pagination turned on. You could have a slider with 3 reviews per slide and then change the total number of slides to 12. That would get all 35.

I would only use Pagination if you see the slider slowing your site. If you do use it then, I would change the total number of slides to 3 and then turn on Pagination.