Under review

Review forms for logged in users...

Bogaat 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 5

Is there a way to tie a form to a logged in user? The goal would be to avoid asking for email or name similar to how the default WooCommerce form operates.

Under review

Not currently, but let me look into this.


I just added this to the 11.3.8 Beta version of the plugin. You can try it out by going to the Account page inside the plugin and check the "Join the Beta Program" check box. Then the update should show up like a regular Plugin update.

I see it now defaults in the user name and email...that is good. Can we also hide those fields entirely when logged in? Thank you for being so responsive 👍

That would take a bit more programming. Would you really want to though? They may want to use a different email or name than what they are using for the user account.

Honestly, I could see it either way. Woocommerce does hide the name/email fields for logged in users, for what's its worth.