
Can it work?

Jason Treeby - Devon Holidays 3 years ago updated by Josh 3 years ago 2

He - we have a website - devonholidays.net - and within our site we have details on all the holiday lets that we resent out.  Each one of these properties has its own Google My Business account where guests can leave reviews, as well as Facebook accounts where guests can leave reviews.

Thus one website, multiple properties in this website, each can have two strings of reviews in them.

Also, we have a shared TripAdvisor with the resort. I would like to be able to copy these reviews over manually to the different lodges when they come in.

can this work?

Under review

Yes, it can do that. Basically, you would download the reviews for all the different properties. Then when you create a review template you can filter out reviews by source page. 

Manual reviews can be added on the Review List page.