
TA reviews limited and no avatar

RGCreative 3 years ago updated by Josh 3 years ago 8

No matter which download method I use, and despite deleting, re-adding, using the review funnel, deactivating and reactivating, I can only see 8 of 147 reviews on TripAdvisor (the review funnel reported downloading 17), and no avatars. 

Since I registered the Pro plugin to improve on the free version (which DID display the avatars for the 5 reviews it would display) I'm a bit frustrated.

Under review

Sorry about the trouble. Usually the Review Funnel is the most reliable way to get all the reviews and avatars. What is the TripAdvisor URL you are using?

Can you go to the Review List and delete the reviews, then go back to the Review Funnel and download them again? You don't have to run another scrape, just click the download. I see where it only got 17, but it does look like they have profile images. 

I logged a ticket with the scraping service to see why it stopped at 17.

It could have been the Review Funnel settings. To download all reviews you would need to set the From Date and Max Number.

Yes, I did set the from date and max number - from Jan 2020 and max 25. It still stops at 17 though, and was only displaying the 8.

Now it seems to be showing avatars OK, after re-downloading on your suggestion :-)  but still only 17 are captured. 

So, it looks like most reviews are older than the Jan 2020, that's why it limited them. Usually, I set the date to something really old like 20 years ago and then use the max number to limit the total.

Ah, I didn't actually look, just took what the client suggested. It seems eh thought he had a lot more recent reviews. You're right of course!

Many thanks for the assistance, much better result now!