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Javascript error, "uncaught TypeError" $(...).slickwprev is not a function

RazzleDaz 2 years ago updated by Josh 2 years ago 1

Slider doesn't work and just outputs all my reviews.

Jscript error is:

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).slickwprev is not a function
at G (wprev-public.min.js?ver=11.4.3:1:26854)
at HTMLDivElement. (wprev-public.min.js?ver=11.4.3:1:25712)
at Function.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:3003)
at s.fn.init.each (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:1481)
at HTMLDocument. (wprev-public.min.js?ver=11.4.3:1:25695)
at e (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:30038)
at t (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:30340)

Any ideas at all?

For note, I am running WP Rocket for caching.

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Exclude this file as well...
