Under review

Creating google review funnels for hundreds subjects.

Ludo Jambrich 2 years ago updated by Josh 2 years ago 1

We use WPSP for a catalog site with several hundred subjects and solely google reviews. We would like to buy credits and use your review funnel service for all those listings to automatically update the reviews. What would be optimal way to do that?
The current available method - manually create a funnel for each listing seems very labor intensive.

The ideal would be if we could have 1 funnel/job for list of google my busyness IDs, but suggesting a method to create funnels/jobs programmatically would help too.

Thanx for the answer.

Under review

Hey Ludo,

I don't have a method to currently do this. You could possibly insert the review funnels into your database manually, but then you would still need to click to download the reviews for each one.
