Under review

translated from Google reviews

Riana 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 6


Suddenly, some of our reviews gets translated into English. We don't want that, our customers are french.

Can some help with that?

Thank you

Under review

Which Google download method are you using? Get Reviews > Google Crawl, Get Reviews > Google Places API, or the review funnel? What are the search terms or place id you are using?

I used Review funnels to get the latest reviews in French and delete the ones that were translated in English previously. It worked.

But we have Google Places API configured. I added fr language code because it wasn't there.

Okay, so are you good to go now or do you still need help?

Well, I'm not sure it won't happen again. I'd want to not have to check every now and then.

If you added the fr language code then it should be okay.

Okay, that's perfect. Thank yo for your time.