Under review
Error when scraping Google reviews
I tried to scrape Google reviews on https://www.baainspections.com/, but got an error: "Error adding this scrape job. Please try again or contact us and copy and send us the following"
{"job_id":"","scrapeurl":"","ack":"error","msg":"Error! This site URL does not match this License Site URL. Contact Support.","dbsiteinfo_id":"37900","scrapejoburl":"https:\/\/funnel.ljapps.com\/addprofile?sid=37900&frlicenseid=36718&frsiteurl=http%3A%2F%2Fchisholm.websites.spectora.com&scrapeurl=&scrapequery=BAA+Inspections+LLC&scrapefromdate=&scrapeblocks=170&diffparam=nodiff&wpsiteurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.baainspections.com&scrapeplaceid="}
Customer support service by UserEcho
It looks like the license is tagged to a different URL.
This can sometimes happen if the site was cloned. Here are some things to try...
1) Go to the Account page and click the sync license button.
2) If that doesn't work try the "Change License" button and re-enter your license code.
3) If neither of those work then download, install, and run the Freemius Fixer plugin found here...