Under review

{"ack":"error","ackmsg":"Error 0003: : Error 103a: Unable to read TripAdvisor page to find next link. Please contact support."}

ontario 2 years ago updated by Josh 2 years ago 1


Just got this error. What shoudl I do?

One more q:

Why on Floats tab i can use it on pages and posts but can't use another post type, like tours for example?

Under review

What is the TripAdvisor URL you are using? Keep in mind you can also download TripAdvisor reviews with the Review Funnel page.

You can use a Float anywhere on the site if you put the shortcode on the page.

Or you could add the php code to your template for the shorcode like so...

echo do_shortcode( '[wprevpro_usefloat tid="5"]' );

You can get the shortcode on the right after you create the float.