
How to change widget width & size of user avatar?

Synergist 2 years ago updated by Josh 2 years ago 6


I seem to be having an issue with changing the width of the widget. When I do so the words get cut off and its not formatting correctly.

Also, any one know how to change the size of the user avatar? I dont see an option in the settings.


Under review

When you say "width of widget" what exactly are you referring to? review template slider, badge, etc... A screenshot would be helpful.

This little box does avatar size.

Image 1748

Ok, I was able to update the avatar.

But I still cant figure out how to decrease the size of the widget

Thanks for the help so far!

You have a couple of options.

- You could control the size of the container that you placed the shortcode in. It will fill the size of whatever you place it in.

- You can use this setting to add some left and right margin...

Image 1753

Not sure how I missed this but thank you very much for the help!