
Tag Database

Stuart 2 years ago updated by Josh 2 years ago 7

It would be really great to have a central database of all the tags we've used with the ability to add, edit, remove, etc from there. I use tags to assign reviews to individual team members who are mentioned in or requested those reviews. This would mean I could remove clutter if a team member leaves our company, see all reviews assigned to a team member at once, etc. Also, it would be great for "add to" to be the default instead of "replace" because it just seems like that's an accident waiting to happen for me.

Under review

What if I added a select field at the top of the Review List with a drop-down of all tags that you've used? Then you could easily pick one and see what reviews have been tagged with that tag. Would that help?

That would definitely be useful, but it would also be really helpful to be able to manage/edit/delete tags. Fundamentally I have two issues that are coming up from my use-case. The first is that I can't see a list of all my tags in one place so a select field would totally fix that. The second is that I can't remove or edit tags. If there was an option to remove just the selected tag instead of just the remove all tags option, I think that would solve everything.

Got it. I'll see if I can get it added next update.

I have this fixed in 11.6.3 Beta version. Can you give it a try? If you go to the Account page inside the plugin there is a checkbox to join the beta program. If you check that and then refresh the page the update should show up.



thank you! I'll test it on a staging site.