
reviews don't show on mobile

andrewbatha10 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 5

The reviews don't show on mobile view.  Not sure why.

Under review

Can you share a link to the page so I can investigate?

https://treeserviceescondido.com/  you will see an area near the bottom where it says "why choose Andys Tree Service"  Here is the reviews.  I have two different templates, one for desktop, one for mobile.  Below that is some palms in a green background.  Below that I have put the reviews again, this time in the same template.

Image 1838

Image 1836

Check under the palm trees for this next one:

Image 1839

Mobile view under palm same template:

Image 1840

Try upgrading to 11.6.4 that I just released. You can upgrade by going to the account page inside the plugin.

Duh, that did it sorry about that.