Under review

Cannot get Tripadvisor reviews

Steve Hale 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 3

We noticed that Tripadvisor reviews were not downloading so we forced a Get Reviews and got this error message:

Error 0001a: trouble contacting crawling server with
remote_get. Please try again or contact support. CMD:
: cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds

Can you help please.


Under review

I'm currently working on TripAdvisor Crawl. TripAdvisor is making it really difficult to crawl their site. The Review Funnel method should still be working.

Can you remind what a "review funnel" method is?  Do you have a document on "how to"?


Basically they are just another way to download reviews. They are integrated with a third-party scraping service.

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Once you create a new one and click save then you click "Get Reviews" > Request New Scrape...

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Sometimes there can be a back-up on the scraping server...

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That means you are number 54 in line. If there is a back-up it's best just to come back later since it can take a while.

Eventually it will complete and you will have a Download Reviews button....

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