
How to get updated reviews onto website from Review List?

Guy Laporte 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 6

I have managed to update my Review List...now how do I get this list to update to my site? Template is functioning with old reviews only.


By default a review template will show all reviews in the Review List. First check the Display Order...

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Then check the Filter Settings tab to make sure you are not Filtering out the reviews.

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OK, thanks. All setting seems to be as you have shown them....but I am still cycling thru 2021 and 2022 reviews.

"Select Reviews to Show" will overwrite all the other filter settings.

Make sure you have the correct Source selected or unselect to show all sources.

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OK- I thought something was odd with the "Show these reviews only".

My only Source is Trip Advisor, I have always had a hard time getting current reviews to show up. I am pretty sure my web-guys never set this up right. Thanks for your help.

Is the Source Location supposed to be a link to my Trip Advisor page?

Here is what is there now:

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Just select both sources or unselect the one. It looks like the reviews were downloaded once, then later on a different download was done. If you go to the Review List page and use the All Source Pages filter you can see what that filter does.

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