Reviews not showing on Divi site outside of the Divi Builder
I can see the reviews in the WP Review Slider preview and I can see them when I'm in the Divi Builder but when I exit the Divi Builder, the review template doesn't show.
The code looks weird in the Chrome Inspector as well.
I have tries removing all of the additional CSS we've written and turned off all of the plugins but it still doesn't show. I'm not sure what to do.
Would you have any suggestions?
Customer support service by UserEcho
For further clarification, we are using Version 11.7.4 of WP Review Slider Pro, Wordpress 6.2.2 and PHP 8.2.
Thanks again!
I can't believe I forgot the URL... https://jandjtoppers.com/
With the Divi builder engaged...
Yeah, that does look strange. I use Divi in my sites and I haven't come across anything strange. Try putting the shortcode on a blank test page in the code module. If that doesn't work try a regular text module.
Also, if you are using any sort of CSS or js modification plugins, try turning those off to see what happens.
I figured it out.
I has set the Code Module to use [wprevpro_usetemplate tid="4"] in Desktop and Tablet and [wprevpro_usetemplate tid="2"] in Mobile. It did not like having the 2 different shortcodes in the same module even though it should have kept them separate because of the display sizes. I just created another module and set it to display at the appropriate display size.