Under review

Not showing users avatar & language

Iker 1 year ago updated 12 months ago 6

With more recent reviews the plugin doesn`t download each users avatar. Also I would like to know if there is a way to translate the reviews to english language.

Under review

What is the source of the reviews and what download method are you using?

The plugin currently doesn't have an automated translate function.

Hello, the reviews are from Tripadvisor & download method is that I clic on "get reviews".

Did you use the Crawl or the Review Funnel?

Image 1986

What I mean is if you can tell me the exact TripAdvisor page URL you are using, I can test why images are not coming through. 

Also, in case you are using the Crawl, try this setting...

Image 1987


Delete the reviews and retry the Crawl Server > Remote option. 

Also if you want to download the English reviews you can change the URL to the .com version...


Ok now it works well, thank you!