Under review

Reviews not showing to public, only can be seen when logged in as Admin

Mal Thompson 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 1

I have the WP Review Slider Pro (Premium) Version 11.8.3 | now and even before on the previous version and Current version: 6.3.2 Wordpress  (was on one just before) so upgrading everything to newest didnt make a difference. I am using Elementor lastest version as well... So all plugins on the website are the lates.

I find that WHen logged in, you can see the  bar and the slider for the reviews displayed. However, on the public view of the website... ie not logged in, it is missing.. as seen below.. All pages are affected that has the review slider.

Any fix? I am using shortcode to display this on brisbanefirstaidcourse.com.au 

Image 2000

Image 2001

Under review

I've seen this before if you're using a caching plugin and the cache doesn't get re-created correctly or cleared properly. When you are logged in you are not using the cache. Try clearing all cache plugins again. If that doesn't work, try to exclude the plugin from the cache plugin. You should be able to exclude everything under these directories...



If that doesn't work then check to see if you are using some sort of minifcation plugin and exclude it from there as well.