
Template 6 - review name of source next to date

Kathy 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 4

I'm a new user of WP Review Slider Pro for my travel company.  I like it very much!

I decided to use Template 6 to pull reviews from both Google and Facebook.  I have three reviews (random) on my homepage and two rows of three (also random) on my Reviews page.  

I like the icon for the source of the review (Google or Facebook).  But for some reason, the name of the source is also showing up next to the date (month/year).  How can make the name go away.  I have looked through all the settings and don't see where that is coming from... and it doesn't show up in the sample for Template 6.  Thanks for any help!

Under review

Sorry, that shouldn't be in template 6 any longer. I'll take it out in the next update. In the meantime use this CSS to hide it. You can add this to the custom CSS for the review template.

span.wppro_viatext {
display: none;

Thanks Josh.  But where exactly do I input the custom CSS?  And do I need to add it to both of the templates I'm using?

If the templates are on different pages then yes, put it on both. You can put it here...

Image 2015