
How to import google reviews for 2 seperate GMB profiles for the same business to represent both locations?

lindse8707 12 months ago updated by Josh 11 months ago 6

Hi, our business has 2 locations and 2 GMB profiles. How do we setup the reviews in order to pull in reviews from both locations?

Under review

You would just go through and setup 2 different downloads. Go to the Get Reviews > Add New Source > Google. Then do it again for the other location.

When you create the review template you can choose to filter by source location or show all of the reviews together.

Hi there, thanks so much. I was able to add the second GMB location, however the reviews are not populating for the additional location. I am also not getting any error messages, so I am unsure what the issue is here.

Can you post some screenshots of your settings?

You need to use the Business Name, not the address in that second location. 

Image 2058

The address is more than likely returning the wrong google place id.

You could also manually enter the name and Google Place ID if you know it.