Under review

Custom layouts?

utilityguy 10 months ago updated by Josh 10 months ago 1

Is it possible to create more custom layouts for both the header and the review templates?

I would like to have a layout that resembles the layout in elfsight.com (https://elfsight.com/google-reviews-widget/)

I would like the title in the header to say "Google rating" and no horizontal line like elfsight.

I would also like to have the date i.e. "1 day ago" font to be different from the Name font.

I would like the stars to be below the name and icon and above the review.

I would like the full Google name to be listed at the bottom.

See header here:

Image 2072

See review tile here:

Image 2073

Under review

I can add this to my to-do list, but I'm a little behind at the moment. If one of the built-in styles can get you close I can give you some CSS to tweak it some.

You can also create a Child template if you want to take complete control over it. There are some instructions here...
