
Template headers displaying incorrect numbers on the front end when set to Source Site

boldwater 2 months ago updated by Josh 2 months ago 3

Template header when configured for "Source Site" is displaying as expected in the backend under the "header options" tab, but when using the preview feature and on the front end I can only get it to show the "Downloaded & Filtered" number for avgrating and totalratings. The display seems to ignore the "Source Site" setting. I disabled all filtering in the templates have purged the site performance cache.

What am I missing?

Under review

Can you try the latest beta version of the plugin 12.2.5? I've been working on this issue lately.

Just go to the Account page inside the plugin and check the "Join the Beta program" check box. Then the beta version should show up after a page refresh.

Beta version has addressed the reported issue with the header. Thank you for the quick reply.