Parameters in Shortcodes for Badges

Starting with version 11.1.1 you can now use shortcode parameters with Badges. This enables you to use one badge style and just change the parameters for different pages on your site. This is what it looks like...

[wprevpro_usebadge tid="1" orgin="" pageid="" from=""]

The orgin parameter overrides this value on the badge template settings page...

Image 1283

The pagidĀ parameter overrides this setting. It can be one page id or a comma-separated list of page ids.

Image 1284

The from parameter overrides this setting...

Image 1285

So, for example if I wanted to show the badge for 2 google pages using the source site ratings it would like this...

[wprevpro_usebadge tid="1" orgin="google" pageid="Mosquito55,ChIJC_jaJ-CFwYkR_ls8HhCZMb0" from="source"]

You can find the pageid values by clicking on the Badge Data button on the Badges tab.

Image 1286

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