Your comments

Unfortunately, the plugin is currently limited to the newest 10 VRBO reviews. Most people will manually copy/paste a few of their older reviews they want to show off using the add review button on the Review List page. You can also use the "Check Reviews 24 Hours" and the plugin will automatically add the new reviews that you get.

Try the Advanced slider option and see if it will work for you.

You could also try just a Grid with pagination turned on. It wouldn't give you the slide effect but would still let people click through the reviews.

I'll have to take a look at WP Rocket.

It looks like you are combining the CSS files for the site. Please exclude the CSS file for the plugin. When it is being combined it is losing the location for the font file which renders the star icons. This is the file you should exclude...


You shouldn't need to uninstall. De-activate and reactivate the plugin might help. You'll need to go in and edit the float, then you can see the new option of select all pages except these.



The update is out now. Give it a shot and let me know.

More than likely it is the phone the user is using. Is it an older Android? The slider will pause automatically if the mouse is hovering over it.

Can you check the javascript console for any messages that might help? Right-click on the page > inspect > look for the console window.

Can you share a link so I can test it? I haven't had anyone else notice this.

I don't have a lot of control over Review Funnel sites since they are integrated with a third-party service. Does Bark have a publicly visible website for each business showing the reviews? Can you post a link to one?

Hey Cali,

I was wrong. This will actually require a javascript change. I'll be releasing an update in the next week or two with the fix. If you can't wait that long then I can change it on your site if you want to share some login credentials.

