Your comments

This usually happens if the Locations are not selected correctly. Try messing with these settings. Note, if you are using 2 different methods to download reviews, then you need to choose both locations.

You can also see exactly what the plugin has in the database by clicking on this button.

The best way to use the plugin with Elementor is to create the review template as a Post/Page type not a widget.

Then copy the shortcode....

Then paste it into an Elementor Shortcode widget...

I'm not sure I understand the question, but the only way to use the plugin is to copy/paste the shortcode into an Elementor text or shortcode widget.

By default, for the normal slider the plugin will stack the reviews on a mobile device. So if you have 3 reviews in a row on Desktop, then on Mobile it will become 3 reviews stacked. There are 2 options to change this behavior.

1) You can use this setting to force one review on mobile.

2) You can use the "Advanced" Slider. It automatically adjusts the number of reviews based on screen size.

Correct, there is currently no setting in this plugin for controlling site-wide visibility. That's what I meant when I said..."Sorry, there is no plugin setting..."

Sorry, there is no plugin setting controlling which pages. If you are using the do_action code, you can just add a conditional page check. For example...

if (!is_page(92)){

do_action( 'wprev_pro_plugin_action', 5 );


That will show it on all pages but ID 92. You can use multiple pages with is_page. Here is more about it...