Your comments

Yes, the meta_data column is included when you export a CSV from the Review List page.

Actually, I was wrong. If you use the Get Reviews > Review Funnel to scrape the reviews that info is saved as part of the meta_data. You would need to set up a child theme for the review template in order to access it. More info can be found here...

Tell me which review template style you are using and I'll send you the child theme file you can use.

Sorry, I misunderstood. That is not currently possible.

Yes, when you download the reviews, it should also grab the total and avg from the source page. You can then access it with a badge.

It looks like the CSV file you are importing isn't formatted correctly. Try manually entering one review using the "Manually Add Review" button. Then you can download the CSV file and use it as a template.

Also, there is no reason to have to manually upload Google reviews. You can use the Get Reviews > Review Funnel page and the plugin will grab them for you.

That usually means that you are caching the page with the Form on it for more than an hour. WordPress uses nonce to make sure the Form submission is coming from your site. They are only good for a limited time. I would suggest not caching the page the Form is on.

Sure. This will do the rating number..

.wppro_dashboardReviewSummary__avgRating {
font-size: 28px;

and this for the stars...

.wppro_badge1_DIV_stars.bigstar span {
font-size: 25px;

Sure, you can use this custom CSS...

img.wppro_badge1_IMG_4 {
max-height: 50px;