A community support forum for WP Review Slider Pro - WordPress Plugin.

Note: I will be traveling till Monday, July 8th and will have limited access to the internet. I will try my best to answer questions, but please be patient.

Display message when there are no reviews yet

Nita Peterson 1 year ago 0

I had set up a template for each WooCommerce product. If there are no reviews yet, it would be nice to see a note about that: "Be the first to leave a review". Currently, the template simply doesn't show at all if there are no reviews.

Under review

Make it easier to leave you a review.

Nita Peterson 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 1

Perhaps add a tab on the WordPress dashboard.


reviews don't show on mobile

andrewbatha10 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 5

The reviews don't show on mobile view.  Not sure why.

Under review

Error using ajax to return reviews, please try again or contact support.

hcao 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 1

I am getting this error when trying to get the zillow reviews


Tag Database

Stuart 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 7

It would be really great to have a central database of all the tags we've used with the ability to add, edit, remove, etc from there. I use tags to assign reviews to individual team members who are mentioned in or requested those reviews. This would mean I could remove clutter if a team member leaves our company, see all reviews assigned to a team member at once, etc. Also, it would be great for "add to" to be the default instead of "replace" because it just seems like that's an accident waiting to happen for me.

Under review

Google Places API is not retrieving reviews, nor posting them once they are retrieved.

chrisbrown4 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 5


Google Places API isn't retrieving reviews, nor is the slider presenting them once they are retrieved. I made a short video here to show you my steps. I have used this app for several years up to now without issues.. See link below for video 


Under review

Reviews don't display correctly

Jan 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 1


Only the first line of our reviews display correctly. They do display correctly on mobile. See screenshot below. Thanks for having a look!


Image 1814


Links not crawlable

cali 2 years ago updated by Josh 2 years ago 1
Hi the google insights is saying that these A links need and Href to be crawlable. How do we change this please?

Search engines may use href attributes on links to crawl websites. Ensure that the href attribute of anchor elements links to an appropriate destination, so more pages of the site can be discovered. Learn how to make links crawlable

Uncrawlable Link
Next<a class="wprs_unslider-arrow next wprs_nav_arrow_2">
Prev<a class="wprs_unslider-arrow prev wprs_nav_arrow_2">

How can i use mobile and descktop template at the same time

Ksenija 2 years ago updated by Josh 2 years ago 3

How can i use a mobile and desktop template for reviewes at the same time ? 
when i copy both shortcodes to my page, doesn't work. If i use one template at the time it works normaly

Under review

Issue setting up a Trusted Shops Review Funnel

mobiz-at 2 years ago updated by Josh 2 years ago 2

We would like to add a review funnel for Trusted Shops in addition to the Google review funnel (which works great).

The only publicly visible URL for Trusted Shop customers are URLs like this one:


where the customer-ID is "X176818A8EC524C13153AB185C6F48B79"

However, if we use above URL when setting up the funnel - https://prnt.sc/IibQCfBaDuss and try to scrape reviews we get a message that we should check the funnel settings - https://prnt.sc/ALbeK5MJWt_L cause no reviews were scraped.

Your help or help from the Community is really appreciated!