A community support forum for WP Review Slider Pro - WordPress Plugin.

Note: I will be traveling till Monday, July 8th and will have limited access to the internet. I will try my best to answer questions, but please be patient.

Template 6 - review name of source next to date

Kathy 10 months ago updated by Josh 10 months ago 4

I'm a new user of WP Review Slider Pro for my travel company.  I like it very much!

I decided to use Template 6 to pull reviews from both Google and Facebook.  I have three reviews (random) on my homepage and two rows of three (also random) on my Reviews page.  

I like the icon for the source of the review (Google or Facebook).  But for some reason, the name of the source is also showing up next to the date (month/year).  How can make the name go away.  I have looked through all the settings and don't see where that is coming from... and it doesn't show up in the sample for Template 6.  Thanks for any help!


WP-Optimize Deletes Reviews

asako 10 months ago updated 10 months ago 3


In staging, we ran a database cleanup with WP-Optimize and it seems like some of the tables used by WP Reviews Pro were caught in the cross fire since the reviews disappeared from our site.

Could you please list all the tables used by the plugin so we exclude them?

Thank you very much

Under review

Continuous Scroll actually is a problem

Gsh 10 months ago updated by Josh 10 months ago 1

Can't figure out how to turn on the continuous scroll!. It shows as an option on the WP Reviews website, but don't see the option on the plugin settings anywhere. 

Image 2013

Under review

Eu Cookie Law

martinarothenburger 10 months ago updated by Josh 10 months ago 1

How can I deactivate the Google service if I do not agree to the cookies? Currently it is loaded in advance even if I agree to all cookies.


Lots of errors. Template displays nothing as a results

TGerber 10 months ago updated by Josh 10 months ago 2

When I go to edit the template:

Warning: Undefined variable $ctselhidemestyle in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 1861
> Warning: Undefined variable $ctselhidemestyle in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 1877
> Warning: Undefined variable $ctselhidemestyle in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 1892
> Warning: Undefined variable $ctselhidemestyle in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 1915
> Warning: Undefined variable $ctselhidemestyle in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 1980
> Warning: Undefined variable $ctselhidemestyle in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 2008
> Warning: Undefined variable $ctselhidemestyle in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 2042
> Warning: Undefined variable $ctselhidemestyle in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 2111
> Warning: Undefined variable $ctselhidemestyle in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 2141

When I save and close the template I get these errors:

Warning: Undefined array key "wprevpro_t_bndropshadow" in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 528

Warning: Undefined array key "wprevpro_t_bnrevusbtn" in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 529

Warning: Undefined array key "wprevpro_t_header_ssf" in /home/cfsoxosm/affordablesmallbusinesswebsites.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-review-slider-pro/admin/partials/templates_posts.php on line 550

Under review

Reviews not showing to public, only can be seen when logged in as Admin

Mal Thompson 11 months ago updated by Josh 11 months ago 1

I have the WP Review Slider Pro (Premium) Version 11.8.3 | now and even before on the previous version and Current version: 6.3.2 Wordpress  (was on one just before) so upgrading everything to newest didnt make a difference. I am using Elementor lastest version as well... So all plugins on the website are the lates.

I find that WHen logged in, you can see the  bar and the slider for the reviews displayed. However, on the public view of the website... ie not logged in, it is missing.. as seen below.. All pages are affected that has the review slider.

Any fix? I am using shortcode to display this on brisbanefirstaidcourse.com.au 

Image 2000

Image 2001


Auto download translated Google reviews

Jan2 11 months ago updated by Josh 5 months ago 2

When someone e.g. in France opens the company Google my business page, it will show English review machine translated in French. For a multi-language company website, it would be great if WP Review Slider Pro could automatically download those machine translated reviews to show them on the French pages of the site.

Under review

Make all texts WPML translateable

Jan2 11 months ago updated by Josh 11 months ago 3

All texts in the plugin should be made WPML translateable, using String Translation.

This includes especially the 'read more' text in the reviews, and the badge texts 'stars' and 'reviews..' etc.

Also please make admin backend custom texts translateable.


Notice: Undefined variable: prestyle in...

timescapeireland 12 months ago updated 12 months ago 4

I have just updated to the latest and I am now getting this appearing on my site. My website is timescapegames.com.

Image 1991


VRBO not pulling reviews

ChrisLo 12 months ago updated by Josh 12 months ago 4

We've had VRBO reviews set up for months and months. I noticed it wasn't pulling any new ones so I hit "Get Reviews" and it throws me an "Error 103: unable to read vrbo page." Any idea how to fix or has anyone run into this?

In the meantime I set up a review funnel, but my queue for each listing is like 60+ *..lol... cries in a corner...*