A community support forum for WP Review Slider Pro - WordPress Plugin.

Note: I will be traveling till Monday, July 8th and will have limited access to the internet. I will try my best to answer questions, but please be patient.
Under review


admin 12 months ago updated by Josh 12 months ago 1

Hi there,

I get a few spam reviews regarding crypto and bitcoin. Is there a way to exclude any posts with defined keywords in them?

Under review

wp-optimize Plugin Reset Comment :(

Murat ERKOCA 12 months ago updated by Josh 12 months ago 4

I optimized the database with Wp-Optimize Plugin and the comments were reset.
Can you help?

Under review

reviews extend past browser width

Zac 12 months ago updated by Josh 12 months ago 3

Have just dropped the shortcode into a blank page and the reviews area is wiiiiiide, way wider than the browser width.

It's supposed to be a 3 column single row layout using the Advanced slideshow settings.

I'm using it in a custom theme, and have tried deactivating all other plugins, with no success, no errors showing in the console.

Presume this is conflicting with some CSS somewhere, but thought I'd check whether this is a known issue before disappearing down the rabbit hole to fix it.


Image 1984

Under review

duplicate reviews google

np 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 1

Image 1983


I am importing reviews from google. Some reviews are in english and german. It seems to be like the same review and auto translated. 

I know I can filter for language in the slider. But sometimes clients also write only english reviews.

Your help is very appreciated.

Under review

Not showing users avatar & language

Iker 1 year ago updated 12 months ago 6

With more recent reviews the plugin doesn`t download each users avatar. Also I would like to know if there is a way to translate the reviews to english language.


icons used for funnels in templates?

JPJP 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 3

Hi Josh,

Is there a filter or another bit of code that I can use which will enable me to replace the icons used for the review funnels (Google icon, Trip Advisor icon etc), with an inline SVG? This will keep them nice and crisp on all devices, allow me to make them larger than 32px and reduce the number of requests on the page. So probably a good idea?

I look forward to hearing from you.



How to add form to badge?

nina milosevic 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 1

I am trying to add form button to Badge and not finding a way to do it. How its done?

Under review

Unable to import reviews from Google or Yelp. 

Webmaster 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 1

Unable to import reviews from Google or Yelp. The Google API does not work. And adding reviews via Yelp URL does not work either.

Under review

number of reviews is inflated, can't remove it from badges

Linda 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 1

None of the badges allow me to remove the total number of reviews, which is way off. How can I get rid of that and just show the stars? I'm only removing it because the total number is so inflated, like double and I can't figure out how to fix that number.


Error adding this scrape job

adit 1 year ago updated by Josh 1 year ago 5

Hi can someone help me, I have issues like this after I scrap in review :

Error adding this scrape job. Please try again or contact us and copy and send us the following: {"job_id":"","scrapeurl":"","ack":"error","msg":"Error! Please send either one of URL or query or place_id parameter. Contact Support.","dbsiteinfo_id":"17407","scrapejoburl":"https:\/\/funnel.ljapps.com\/addprofile?sid=17407&frlicenseid=673641&frsiteurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwordpress-666662-2431705.cloudwaysapps.com&scrapeurl=&scrapequery=&scrapefromdate=&scrapeblocks=300&diffparam=nodiff&wpsiteurl=https%3A%2F%2Fielc.co.id&scrapeplaceid=&savecron=no"}